The Deka Fitness Competiton

A true testament to the ancient Greek approach of preparing the body for Arete (a.k.a. excellence), DEKA will put your body and mind through a series of challenges that will test all muscle groups, functional movement patterns, and the aerobic engine. With DEKA Zones ranging from Lunges, Rowing, Med Ball Sit-Up, Box Jumps or Step Ups, Farmer’s Carry, Ski Erg, Tank Sled Push/Pull, Air Bike, Dead Ball Wall-Overs, and Burpees, your training will have you prepared for any challenges that could be bold enough to take you on. 

Whether your goal is to get off the couch, compete at the highest level with other members of the DEKA community, or somewhere in between, we’ve created the perfect competition for you. The word compete was derived from two Latin terms - com and petere. Com meaning "come together" and petere meaning "seek and strive".  

Why Should YOU Compete?

DEKA events are not just a competition, they are a milestone of your fitness journey. In the same arena, on the same day, using the exact standards, every level of fitness can come together and celebrate fitness.

Having an event on your calendar can be a game changer for your motivation – now you’re not exercising anymore, you’re training with a purpose

The Benefits of Testing

Initial DEKA testing provides a benchmark. Consistent training will improve your fitness level. Periodic testing will provide proof that the time you’ve invested in your training has improved your fitness. Keeping a DEKA re-test/event on the calendar helps to ensure training adherence. No matter what your current fitness level is, you are an athlete who trains with the purpose of becoming a stronger version of yourself every time you get a new DEKA mark.

How do I Train?

605 Grit Fitness offers specific training classes, as well as training programs for those interested in training. You don’t have to compete in these events to attend, but it does give you a great goal to measure your fitness, and train with a purpose!

Competitions are every 8 weeks hosted at various venues in the Black Hills! For more info on what these events look like, and when the next competition is, visit this website!